
Stories by Kathy Woods on Louisiana Record


Monday, March 31, 2025

Kathy Woods News

Passenger sues over auto accident injuries

By Kathy Woods |
The driver of a Toyota Yaris and her insurers are being sued over injuries suffered by a passenger in another vehicle last year at the intersection of Camp and Julia in New Orleans.

Winn-Dixie named in personal injury suits by customers in Orleans Parish

By Kathy Woods |
Winn-Dixie is the subject of two separate lawsuits filed in Orleans Parish District Court May 13 over injuries allegedly sustained by customers at the same store at different times.

Southwest Airlines sued over passenger's injuries in May '09 incident

By Kathy Woods |
Southwest Airlines and U.S. Aviation Underwriters are being sued over injuries allegedly suffered by a passenger after landing gear malfunctioned, blowing tires and catching fire on a flight from New Orleans to Houston on May 12, 2009.

Passenger sues over injuries in street car collision

By Kathy Woods |
A passenger in a street car involved in an accident with another street car is suing over injuries.

Archdiocese of New Orleans, apartments sued over walkway trip

By Kathy Woods |
In a complaint filed in the Orleans Parish District Court, Monsignor Wynhoven Apartments, Roman Catholic Church for the Archdiocese of New Orleans and Catholic Mutual Relief Society of America, all from New Orleans, are being sued for injuries allegedly suffered when a resident tripped on a walkway.

Curb Side Daiquiris and insurer sued over patron's injuries

By Kathy Woods |
Curb Side Daiquiris and Landmark Insurance Co. are being sued over injuries allegedly suffered when a door slammed into the back of a patron's leg.

Canseco Elysian Fields sued over trip and fall injuries

By Kathy Woods |
Soloman Duplessis of New Orleans is suing food store Canseco Elysian Fields for injuries he sustained on a sidewalk outside the store at 5217 Elysian Ave. in New Orleans on Aug. 2, 2009.

Bicyclist sues over accident injuries

By Kathy Woods |
A bicyclist is suing Allstate and Jolene and Ronald Gettridge over injuries she allegedly sustained during an accident last year.

I-610 accident is subject of Orleans Parish suit

By Kathy Woods |
US Agencies along with CNA Insurance Co. and Continental Casualty Co. are being sued by a New Orleans family over injuries allegedly suffered in a motor vehicle accident.

State Farm and its insured sued over accident

By Kathy Woods |
State Farm and its insured driver David Pinkston of New Orleans are being sued over injuries allegedly suffered in automobile accident.

Zurich Insurance sued by property owner over unpaid wind damage claims

By Kathy Woods |
In two separate petitions filed in Orleans Parish District Court, Ted S. Davis is suing his insurer for failing to fully supply coverage for wind damaged property he owns at 2414 St. Roch Ave. and 2228 Lizardi St. in New Orleans.

Transit Management sued over wheelchair occupant's injuries

By Kathy Woods |
In a petition filed in the Civil District for the Parish of Orleans, Transit Management of Southeast Louisiana and the Regional Transit Authority are being sued over a wheelchair occupant's injuries.

Wal-Mart customer blames employee for injuries

By Kathy Woods |
A Wal-Mart customer claims she was struck in the back by a metal display rack that was being moved by an employee, according to a suit filed in Orleans Parish District Court on April 21.

South Claiborne accident is subject of suit

By Kathy Woods |
An accident that occurred in May 2009 near South Claiborne Avenue and Martin Luther King Boulevard in New Orleans resulted in severe and disabling injuries to Malkia Collins, a passenger in the car.