
Stories by Leslie Gamboni on Louisiana Record


Monday, March 31, 2025

Leslie Gamboni News

Individual sues after allegedly suffering health issues due to asbestos exposure

By Leslie Gamboni |
NEW ORLEANS – A man has filed a lawsuit against numerous companies he claims exposed him to asbestos that later resulted in his lung cancer diagnosis.

Man who missed work for drug detox loses suit against employer who fired him

By Leslie Gamboni |
NEW ORLEANS – A man claiming his rights granted under the Americans with Disabilities Act and Family and Medical Leave Act were violated lost an appeal against his former employer who fired him after he entered, but did not complete a program for drug addiction.

Former electrician sues numerous companies alleging lung cancer is result of asbestos exposure

By Leslie Gamboni |
NEW ORLEANS – A former electrician is suing numerous companies over his contraction of lung cancer he claims is related to his workplace exposure to asbestos.

Family of nursing home resident who died sues

By Leslie Gamboni |
NEW ORLEANS – The family of a woman died while in the care of a nursing home are suing for alleged wrongful death.

Former teacher sues Recovery School District claiming wrongful termination

By Leslie Gamboni |
NEW ORLEANS – A New Orleans teacher is suing the school district where she was formerly employed after they allegedly renewed her contract was canceled.

New Orleans citizens sue city over allegedly unconstitutional property taxes

By Leslie Gamboni |
NEW ORLEANS – Three New Orleans property owners are suing the city and its finance department over claims that the city charged them an unconstitutional property tax.

Former New Orleans pipefitter sues numerous companies over asbestos exposure after lung cancer diagnosis

By Leslie Gamboni |
NEW ORLEANS – A former pipefitter is suing numerous companies claiming they exposed him to asbestos that resulted in his lung cancer.

New Orleans woman acting pro se in medical malpractice lawsuit against hospital

By Leslie Gamboni |
NEW ORLEANS – A New Orleans woman is suing a local hospital for improper treatment she claims to have received in their care.

Numerous companies sued over lung cancer attributed to secondary asbestos exposure

By Leslie Gamboni |
NEW ORLEANS – A family is suing a number of companies alleged to have ties to asbestos handling after a family member died after being diagnosed with lung cancer allegedly due to asbestos exposure.

Students who were not allowed to pass out religious material at public school lose appeal

By Leslie Gamboni |
NEW ORLEANS – The parents of four former elementary school students lost an appeal against the Plano Independent School District in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

Insurance agency sued over Hurricane Isaac damage

By Leslie Gamboni |
NEW ORLEANS – A Louisiana-based insurance agency is being sued by a man who claimed to have a policy for damage done during a 2012 hurricane.Emmit Perry filed suit against Pappalardo Agency Inc. in the Orleans Parish Central District Court on June 26. Perry claims he hired Pappalardo in order to obtain property insurance for a house located on Baronne Street in New Orleans which included coverage for

Bed Bath & Beyond sued by woman who claims she was injured by falling merchandise

By Leslie Gamboni |
NEW ORLEANS – A woman is suing a local retailer after she claims to have been severely injured by merchandise that fell on her head from the second floor of the store.

Man seeking whistleblower protection loses appeal

By Leslie Gamboni |
NEW ORLEANS – A man that accused GE Energy of violating the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act lost an appeal in a case where he sought “whistleblower” status.

Property owner sues non-profit developer for allegedly taking possession of property without paying for it

By Leslie Gamboni |
NEW ORLEANS – A New Orleans man is suing a Marrero-based non-profit development company he claims took possession of his property without paying him.

New Orleans nursing home loses appeal to retain Medicare eligibility

By Leslie Gamboni |
NEW ORLEANS – Administrators of a Medicare program seeking to extend its participation in the government program have won an appeal at the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit in a case against a Baton Rouge-based nursing and rehabilitation center.

Homeowners lose appeal claims in foreclosure case over claims of "robo-signing"

By Leslie Gamboni |
NEW ORLEANS - Homeowners seeking to avoid foreclosure lost an appeal in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit against the Deutsche Bank National Trust Company.