
News published on Louisiana Record in June 2013


Tuesday, March 4, 2025

News from June 2013

Former CVS pharmacist loses appeal in retalitory firing lawsuit

By Yolanda Martinez |
NEW ORLEANS - A pharmacist who filed a retaliation lawsuit after being terminated from his job at a pharmacy chain lost an appeal in the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit.

Brother’s Food Mart sued by man who slipped on painted concrete

By Kyle Barnett |
GRETNA – A St. Tammany Parish man is suing a local gas station where he claims to have received serious injuries in a slip and fall on painted concrete.

Blue Cross Blue Shield sued by local hospital for $85K in patient care

By Kyle Barnett |
GRETNA – A Jefferson Parish hospital is suing the health insurance agency of a woman to whom they provided costly care.

Petrochemical company wins case against insurer over pollution buy back program

By Leslie Gamboni |
U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth District

Contractor sued for allegedly stealing from homeowner

By Kyle Barnett |
GRETNA – A Jefferson Parish homeowner is suing a contractor for allegedly stealing money she provided for renovations to her home.

New Climate Change Policy, Same Ole’ Agenda

By Don Briggs |
Don Briggs, President, Louisiana Oil and Gas Association

Truck driver loses appeal on minimum wage claim

By Yolanda Martinez |
U.S. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals

Contractor seeks $143K after renovations at La Pension Resorts

By Yolanda Martinez |
Keith L. MagnessNEW ORLEANS - A New Orleans company is suing a local contractor for allegedly failing to pay for work completed at a Decatur Street resort.Boes Iron Works filed suit against Ellis Construction Inc., The LA Pension Owners’ Association Inc. and the Santropadre Condominiums Association Inc. on May 1. for failure to pay for work completed at the La Pension Resorts.Boes Iron Works entered

Engineering company suing over property destroyed by bore drilling

By Kyle Barnett |
GRETNA – A Jefferson Parish engineering firm is suing a Texas-based subcontractor after it allegedly tore through a vent pipe at a gas station while drilling for bore samples.

Former co-owner of gourmet food line accused of taking money from business

By Kyle Barnett |
GRETNA – A Jefferson Parish gourmet food producer is suing his former business partner for allegedly using the business's money for personal use.

State Farm sues construction company over home damaged during elevation

By Kyle Barnett |
GRETNA – An insurance company is suing a home elevation company that allegedly dropped a home during its elevation and severely damaged it.

Fired tow truck service employee sues for $22K in wages

By Kyle Barnett |
GRETNA – A tow truck service is being sued by a former employee who claims he is owed thousands of dollars in wages following his termination.

Nursing home sued after resident falls in bathtub

By Yolanda Martinez |
NEW ORLEANS - A resident of a New Orleans nursing home is suing for an undisclosed amount after suffering an injury in a bathtub.

Company that allegedly accepted embezzled funds faces suit

By Kyle Barnett |
Phyllis C. Coci